Build your skills and confidence to have fun painting

Sylvie Peltier

I'm a painter but this was my first time using oil pastels. Find out why I found the Paul Rubens Oil Pastels to be fun, sensual and ...

Sylvie Peltier

SUMMARY: Taking the Coastal Landscape mini-course will perfect your wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry techniques. Follow this easy step-by-step ...

Sylvie Peltier

SUMMARY: Masking fluid is a fantastic way to preserve the white of your paper and make your paintings sparkle. Discover how in this article.

Sylvie Peltier

The benefits of value sketching prior to starting any painting are significant, both in terms of time saved and avoided stress.

Jess Rice

SUMMARY: Creating successful paintings in watercolor begins with using the best materials you can, followed by how you get organized to ...

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